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Campus Crimewatch

where college campus crime is made accessible

The dataset on this web app are daily crimes reported at Stanford University from January 1, 2019 to April 18, 2023

This data was manually collected and there were only about 3 months of recorded crimes at the time. Therefore, the data for 2023 is incomplete.

Student voices

“You get the emails and crime alerts [and] keep a mental note of these alerts”' Stanford sophomore Matt Villaysack said, when asked how he found out about campus crime. Villaysack isn’t the only student who resonated with the disorganized method of campus safety information.

Stanford undergrad Ashna Khetan mentioned a similar method of staying up to date: “the alert thing that happens with our email, and if I miss it then I see it on Fizz,” a college community discussion app. For larger scale crimes, Khetan says “we hear about it for a few days.”

Other undergrads recognize that hearing about crime through email alerts keeps incidents and their updates under the radar.

“It can be harmful when people aren’t informed, especially on sexual violence reports that go unacknowledged.”

says Lexi Kupor, another Stanford sophomore. Villaysack agreed with this sentiment, and voiced that as a student living on campus,

“It would be useful to see what crimes are likely to happen.”

After seeing Campus Crimewatch, he shared his thoughts on how it provides an encompassing overview of campus crime:

“It's interesting to look at and be aware of, especially if you’re going out for parties and want to know what areas are safe on campus to walk around.”

Why we made Campus Crimewatch

Campus Crimewatch was developed at Stanford University by Isabel Paz Reyes Sieh, Özge Terzioğlu, and Tracy Zhang in Serdar Tumgoren’s Spring 2023 Building News Appplications class.

As students, faculty, or staff of a college campus, we are bombarded with email or text notifications about the latest crimes near or on campus, as mandated by the Clery Act.

We want to be informed about crime on campus and feel safe at the place where we spend most of our time. A constant influx of texts and emails is a disorganized, ineffective way of getting an accurate view of campus crime trends.

Some universities bury their annual crime statistics in a 100-page yearly campus safety report. Other universities share their daily crime log via a user-unfriendly map on their school website. It is likely that if you want a daily report of campus crimes, which universities are mandated to maintain, you will have to ask for it and it will be counted as a public records request.

We wanted to create a centralized, accessible picture of crime and safety on college campuses.

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If you need to report a crime or public safety concern, please call Stanford Department of Public Safety's non-emergency line at (650) 329-2413